Monday, March 3, 2008

Rhetoric Analysis CNN News

CNN is a major news televions station that provides 24 hour news coverage. CNN is an accurate and well-respected news station. I viewed the CNN station on Monday night around 11:00 p.m., and I found that they broadcasted news that occurred all over the country. The majority of stories that were broadcasted on the news tended to be disturbing, and I noticed that there were not many exciting or happy stories. The reason could be that the world is plagued with such destruction an it is their job to allow us to see the many things that occur around the country. The news anchor seemed to empathize with many of the situations. She made comparisions of how protective she is of her family and her children when discussing the two gruesome stories of two separate families being murdered. Her job was to inform individuals of the things going on around the world and she did an exceptional job and related to the intended audience.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Joe Camel....More Like Joe Chemo

The caption on this picture read as follows: Meet Joe Chemo,a camel who wishes he'd never smoked cigarettes. Joe is having trouble feeling cool these days, now that he's lost most of his hair. Worst of all, Joe just realized that he's been manipulated all his life by tobacco companies.

This may seem like a joke, however there is nothing funny about this situation. This is an effort to reduce the number of people who smoke cigarettes. This anti smoke advertisement emphasizes the consequences of smoking. If many of you are familar with the actualy Joe Camel advertisement, you may remeber Joe Camel as macho camel who wore shades and had a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. The usage of this advertisement has deminished in recent years due to its target of the young audience. This advertisement used a cartoon character in relation to smoking, so of course it would appeal to children. A study conducted in 1991, showed that more children were able to identify Joe Camel before they recognized Mickey Mouse and Fred Flinstone. This anti smoking image of Joe Chemo goes as far as to show Joe Camel holdings his shades in his hand with a look of sadness upon his face. This image should be enough to persuade an individual to at least consider the consequences of smoking. Just think of the actual suffering of those individuals suffering from smoke related complications.

Smoking Not Only Affects the Smoker

Smoking around children to me is considered as child abuse. Smoking is the main cause of breathing problems and other complications in children. If you smoke in your home or car, your child is breathing in your smoke. As mentioned in my first post, children not only have developed mentally, but physically as well. Your child's lung undergoes important growth during their first two years of life. If an infant regularly breathes secondhand smoke, it may hurt lung growth and cause permanent damage. I personally am against smoking, but to each it's own. However, parents who are smokers should take into consideration their children. Parents try not to smoke in the same room as your child or in the car if your child is present. Smokers need to understand that they are not the only individuals affected by smoking.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Images are a great means as to send out a message to viewers. This images shows a young child with a television in its eyes stating that "she has your eyes." This image basically is inferring that a child is exposed to the same things we see, and the way that it affects us can be completely different than it affects them. They have not had time to completely develop and grow. Their mind is not mature yet to take in what they see. We basically need to control what our children sees, because as of now television is poisoning the minds of our children.